Leslie Out

I got a couple charts done at the doc’s office this afternoon before leaving to go to Fox this evening. I normally do not work Wednesdays but someone needed to cover a shift for Monica who was taking an exam today. The script for the five was a bit slow to finish to so I got a nice workout running scripts for the newscast. Dana, Edwin and myself I ordered dinner from Mikimoto this evening. I couldn’t decide what I wanted and picked out the “Combo Box” randomly. I did not care for what I got and didn’t eat much of it.Shortly before seven this evening we learned Leslie Jacobs was pulling out the mayoral race following Mitch Landrieu’s late entry. Ms. Jacobs joined the anchors for an on set interview at the beginning of the nine o’clock news. Ed Chervenak from UNO dropped by around eight to record a short interview offering reaction to Jacob’s decision. We also heard a shooting on the scanners before we went on air which we were able to fit into the end of the news broadcast.I was on duty until 12:30 AM. The scanners were busy this evening but there were no major incidents. This evening I had the same cab driver who I had on Monday with the heavy rain. He said his car developed a minor electrical problem on the way back to the east bank but it fixed itself after a couple days.

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