Final Waltz

Dad and I left the house at about 10:45 this morning. There was an issue with Mom’s car that tied him up this morning. I worked on a few discharge reports at the office this afternoon. Dad had things to do this evening so he took me down Canal Street to catch the 4:10 shuttle to campus. I spent my time before class this evening in the LBC. I picked up my ticket for the upcoming Clinton speech when I arrived.This evening’s slam group communications class featured the first of the second round of class discussions. They followed the same format as last time but they were 12 minutes in length and Ms. Ebel did not interject during the discussion. I participated in three of the five this evening. They were on homelessness, identity theft and recycling. After class I walked to the Willow lab to wait until nine.This evening’s ballroom dancing session was the fourth and final lesson of waltz. I think mid terms kept some people away tonight but attendance was even between guys and girls. There was only one new dance step which was simple enough. The main goal tonight was to recap everything once more and tie it all together. I had a little trouble this evening but overall I think I danced pretty well. Of all the dances I’ve done in the ballroom club I think this waltz was the easiest. I left to head home after the beginner lesson. It was raining and I shared my umbrella with Ivana as far as her dorm. I caught a cab home in front of the LBC.

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