Ami's Last Day in New Orleans

Ami and I left the house after 11, having taken our good old time to get up and about. We walked to the bus stop across Gen. De Gaulle to go downtown. We were pretty unlucky in catching the bus. After waiting for a while I called RTA and found it would be over a half hour before the next bus was to come. She suggested we walk up the street instead of just waiting around, and we did. We eventually made our way to Huntlee Dr. and decided to stop and wait there. Some Karr students joined us in waiting just after we got there. One of the students recognized Ami as Melissa’s sister. We spoke with them briefly before the bus arrived. The bus got pretty crowded as it made it’s way closer to the river. We got off at on Loyola and went into the library where we were to meet Khadijah, who had been there for a little while working on a paper for an art class. We had no trouble finding her on the 2nd floor. We remained at the library until it closed at 6 PM. We all managed to remain occupied throughout that time. While there we saw Mr. Novacov, who was an administrator at Edna Karr for quite a while, including the years we attended. Before leaving I checked out some CDs, including Beethioven’s nine symphonies. After leaving the library we walked down to the Quarter so Ami could pick up a gift for her mother. While we were ‘shopping,’ we spoke with Melanie and invited her to join us this evening at Ms. Belinda’s place to watch a movie or something. Surprisingly, she accepted. With Ami’s purchase out of the way, we walked to Canal St. to stop somewhere to get something to eat. We were gonna go to McDonalds but Kali wanted to go to a Chinese place next door so we did. I wasn’t hungry and didn’t get anything. After Ami and Khadijah had finished, we walked to the bus stop to do to Khadijah’s place. I called Melanie on the way home. She said she’d be unable to come. We got off the bus in front of Tall Timbers. I talked to Dad and he gave us a short ride from there to Ms. Belinda’s house. It’s pretty close but it would have taken 20 minutes to walk. We watched TV and talked for a while. Ami and I took a cab home before two.

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