As this was Martin Luther King Jr. day, I didn’t go to the doctor’s office this morning as we were closed. Before leaving the house for my shift at Fox 8, I started a drive mirroring on my desktop. I have been meaning to make a full backup of my main drive which has Windows 7 and XP partitions on it. A backup drive should save me loads of time if something happens to my C drive.Printing the five o’clock news was not particularly hectic today. Unfortunately it was a violent day in New Orleans with a few shootings on the westbank. I wanted to get dinner from Italian Pie this evening but they weren’t answering the phone so I decided to try Domino’s “new recipe” pizza. I haven’t eaten their pizza in quite a while and for good reason. Their recent ads suckered me into giving them a try again. In short, their pizza sucks less than it used to but I still prefer Papa John’s by far.The nine o’clock news went fine and the scanners were quiet enough this evening. I got home around one.

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