le visage

I got up at nine this morning, a little earlier than I have been on Mondays since I don’t have class until 11. I had plenty of time to stop by Tolliver and get something to eat before class. I also stopped by Cathy Martin’s office to drop off past blue pages for my Sociology homework assignments. Per departmental policy, you have to turn in these tear-out pages that go with homework assignments to prove you purchased the textbook, the sales of which finance the strapped Sociology department I can’t imagine why there aren’t all sorts of people eager to throw money at them. On the way out I made the mistake of saying “See you Tuesday,” even though there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I’m going to class tomorrow to watch Roger and Me. The better part of today’s class was about vocabulary relating to parts of the human head and face. One of the class exercises involved Professor De Mattos describing a person’s face in French, and then having the students draw a picture of that person. At the end of class there was a short quiz that I don’t think I did too well on. I went to Tolliver Hall after class and remained there until shortly after one when I went to get some lunch. I went back to my room afterward. I took a short nap as I was uncharacteristically tired. I left around four and made my way back to Tolliver, where I remained until shortly after five when I went to the cafeteria for dinner. Bianca was there and joined me. After dinner I sat with her for a little while at the red tables while she did some homework. She had to leave shortly before seven and I went back to Tolliver Hall. I went home sometime after eight. The washing machine was still broken. I didn’t do much this evening. I did slightly modify the header text, “Mr. B’s Domain” on the top of my website to improve the character spacing.

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