Later Than Usual

This afternoon, I spent some time with my desktop computer and Windows 7. I recently bought a retail copy and installed it on my desktop over the release candidate I had set up to dual boot with XP. I fixed a couple problems I was having with the second monitor. My USB audio interface seems to be behaving now as well.On Saturday, I “discovered” after I arrived that I had to work until midnight tonight instead of 10 PM. Nearly a month ago, I agreed to cover part of John’s shift so he could leave early tonight at 10. I was rather bummed since I planned on making use of what would have remained of my evening. I felt better after getting something to eat, however. I went with Nicondra to the grocery store around seven and bought a ham po-boy which was pretty decent. I only went myself because I needed to get cash back. Since I was staying later, I was not expecting a ride home now. Dad had agreed to pick me up Saturday night since he was going to be up.I prompted the broadcast at nine. I don’t recall any irregularities. By 10:30 I was pretty much alone in the newsroom to monitor the scanners. There was a murder in Marrero around 11 and I called Travis to check it out. He volunteered himself should I need someone this evening and I lived in reasonable proximity.Around 12 AM after Jessica arrived for the overnight shift, she pulled Travis to go catch a perp walk at central lockup. When I left for the night, I found Dad waiting outside for me. I obviously misunderstood what he said when I called him earlier to say I would be late.

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