Lost Week

After taking ill on Tuesday evening, the rest of the week seemed to waste away.Following an uneventful afternoon at the office, I went over to Fox for my evening shift. I was a little nauseous after lunch and didn’t feel too well after four but I assumed it would pass. I was pretty miserable after I started working though. I ran scripts for the five o’clock news and felt quite exhausted by the end of the show.I didn’t know quite how sick I was until about 10 minutes later when I threw up most of my lunch in the bathroom. All I had to eat that day was a club sandwich from Theo’s Pizza. I felt a lot better after I composed myself but by seven o’clock I felt ill again and at 7:30 I was back kneeling over the toilet. I didn’t have the same feeling of relief after vomiting a second time so I left early and went home, where I rested as best I could for the night.I felt better the following morning but took the day off to rest. I did a little laundry but the day was otherwise uneventful. I went to work on Thursday but I still felt a little off and was tired for the better part of the day. Mercifully we left of the day at four o’clock and went home. I had no desire to go to class or ballroom dancing this evening. I ended up going to bed when we got home and pretty much slept until the following morning. Friday was a sufficiently normal day of work. Doc Stephenson dictated some patient reports on tape for me to work on. I haven’t done any patient reports from dictation in quite some time, well over a year I think. I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked but I’ll have time next week.Today, Saturday, I got up around 10. I didn’t do much of anything this afternoon even though I have a lot of clean laundry to deal with. Before getting ready for work this evening I watched The African Queen. I’ve been on my “to watch” list for a while but it’s not on Region 1 DVD. By chance I saw it was airing on TCM a few weeks back and recorded it to watch later. Overall I thought it was a pretty decent film.Dad gave me a lift to the station for my 5-10 shift this evening. As usual there was not much that needed doing until about 8:30. Printing the scripts was no trouble and prompting went smoothly too, although I can tell I still need more practice dealing with the sports anchors. The newscast ended rather abruptly after sports. Apparently there were 45 more seconds of commercials than usual which threw things off.

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