
After a bit more packing and preparation this morning, Mom, Dad and I left New Orleans shortly after 7:30 this morning. The night before we intended to be on the road a couple hours earlier but that turned out not to be necessary for us. We took the I-10 to the contraflow lanes headed for Baton Rouge. The normal westbound lanes were directed to Hammond where traffic was very congested and at a standstill in places. I felt pretty fortunate being able to zoom past those poor people, but Dad was planning on riding out the storm in Baton Rouge which all forecasts say is a bad place to be.It was about 9:30 this morning when we arrived at Jeff’s ‘new’ apartment in Baton Rouge. Jeff, Andrew, Jeff’s roommate and her parents were already here. His apartment lacks furniture so most of the day was spend sitting on the floor watching TV and browsing the Internet. I also watched the movie Rope. Jeff and his roommate left with a friend to spend the night elsewhere.Over the course of the evening, the news looked less grim for New Orleans with the storm track trending westward a bit. In addition to the increased chance of returning to an intact house, staying here in Baton Rouge should be a bit safer.

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