Full Day at Work – Camera Arrived

I had more than a little trouble getting up rather early this morning. Mom took me to the office early this morning. I arrived at about 7:45. I had to spend the first few hours of the day finishing my review writing assignment while doing some work in between. I was done with that around noon and took care of the little dictation that remained from Friday. There were some faxes to send a patient files to copy, but things were pretty slow overall. Dad arrived from the westbank sometime after one. He gave me some assorted work to do that kept me marginally occupied until we left shortly after five. Dad took me uptown for class this evening before heading home himself. We had a guest speaker in review writing class, someone who actually writes reviews for a living, quite a feat I’d say. He talked for a little while about his work during a break in the workshop. The review I wrote in the 11th hour wasn’t burned to a crisp. There were a few valid criticisms that I’ll correct. There was no lecture but we still didn’t get out until eight. That was early enough for me to catch the shuttle bus downtown, however. From the medical school I walked down Canal St. to the river to catch the ferry. I was pretty lucky with the timing in catching the ferry. The one I caught was largely unoccupied, just three cars and a handful of pedestrians. I stood at the bow as it made the trip across. It seemed to move a lot faster than I remember, especially in turning around. It being dark outside may have had something to do with that perception. Dad picked me up on the other side to take me the rest of the way home. The camera I bought on ebay arrived in the mail today, a Sony DSC-V1, so I got to play with that for a while in the evening. I also talked to Khadijah on the phone for a good while before getting to bed.

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