Khris Royal and Dark Matter perform live at Maple Leaf Bar, March 10, 2017. Khris Royal on saxophone, Joshua Connelly on guitar, Max Moran on bass, Brandon Butler on keyboards, Walter Lundy on drums
Friday Fun
Pre-show staging
IMG 0076
Back Bar
IMG 0133
Joshua Connelly
Khris Claps
Khris and Josh
Khris Royal on saxophone
IMG 0296
Max Barely Lit
Max Moran on bass
Max Moran
IMG 0363
IMG 0378
IMG 0386
Khris Royal
IMG 0417
IMG 0542
IMG 0580
IMG 0591
IMG 0646
Courtyard LIghts
IMG 0680
Second Set
IMG 0713
Khris with Walter
IMG 0748
Josh Connelley
IMG 0793
IMG 0803
Max and Josh
IMG 0839
IMG 0840
Walter Lundy on drums
IMG 0856
Khris and Joshua
IMG 0869
IMG 0876
IMG 0877
IMG 0892
IMG 0902
Walter in Color
IMG 0944
IMG 0977
Main Bar at the Maple Leaf
IMG 0996
IMG 1025
Title: Khris Royal at the Maple Leaf - 3-10-17
Description: Khris Royal and Dark Matter perform live at Maple Leaf Bar, March 10, 2017. Khris Royal on saxophone, Joshua Connelly on guitar, Max Moran on bass, Brandon Butler on keyboards, Walter Lundy on drums