Stede Bonnet: Not Guilty

This entry is quite late and I want to go to bed so I’ll just briefly mention what went down during the Jazz Fest Intermission. I don’t recall much except for the trial in pirate societies class. This final project involved me and a fellow group of students ‘reenacting’ the trial of Stede Bonnet, a pirate who was associated with Blackbeard. Luckily we were only loose;ly confined by history and were largely able to simply make things up. The classmates not playing parts in the trial served as the jury. The classmate who played Bonnet was to have me play General James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia. A couple days before the trial he changed by character to former North Carolina governor Charles Eden, which screwed up my bibliography. The trial itself went quite smoothly. Matthew, who played Bonnet, gave an “epic” opening statement and we ultimately made the prosecution look pretty stupid and we won a unanimous not guilty verdict.

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