Today Really Sucked

I got no sleep at all last night due to being ill. I threw up several times early this morning, probably due to a stomach virus. I’ve only been up and about for a couple hours today, spend most of today in bed. I should be ok tomorrow. As I write this late at night, I feel fine aside from being a bit weak, eating should fix that.

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Saw Nemesis Again

After church, me and the family went to see the latest Trek flick. I was surprised to see a healthy crowd. The theatre was almost full, contradictory to what i’ve been hearing on TrekBBS. Christmas leftovers will be vanquished in about an hour, i’m surprised they’ve lasted this long. I’ll be cooking tomorrow.

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Leftovers: Day 1

for the most part, it was the typical day after Christmas. My brothers were playing with their new toys and all that. I got another 512 MB of DDR RAM for my toy, that i’m sitting in front of now. We came up a bit short of leftovers this year. I suspect we only have one more day’s worth and i’ll be back to cooking on Saturday.

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Christmas 2002

Well, as we always do, we went to my to see my Dad’s folks after the usual morning Christmas routine. Too many people, too many toys, too much food. I enjoyed myself anyway. This hasn’t been a very profitable year as far as Christmas’s go, but anything I still want i’ll buy myself.

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Christmas Approaches

Today we went to my aunt’s house for lunch. The food was good but I was supposed to make spaghetti for dinner. After lunch I dominated a game of Scrabble…and that was my day. Tomorrow we will be having guests for dinner, and we’ll be freeloading on Christmas day.

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First Entry

This is my first post on the Daily Log. I have just opened the fourth incarnation of Mr. B’s Domain. I look forward to receiving feedback on this new interface. In the months to come, I intend to try and post a little something about everyday. It can’t promise anything fascinating, but at least this site will have some dynamic content.

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